The Vivek Education Foundation (V.E.F.)

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Free Educational Centre for the Blind and Underprivileged

Dedicated to empowering those without sight with a vision for their lives…

Founded in August 2010, the Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Free Educational Centre for the Blind and Underprivileged at Vivek Education Foundation (V.E.F) provides training and education, free of cost, to children and adults who are visually impaired so they can acquire communication skills, and become socially self-sufficient and independent citizens of the community. The School also assists children with their academic coursework towards completion of their grades.

V.E.F started in 2005 as a small Non-Government Agency in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vivek Shinde of Mankhurd, a suburb of Mumbai, with the primary goal of providing educational support for children from the neighboring slums.  The Shindes used personal funds to purchase supplies and books for these children as well as make contributions towards their school tuition fees. Very soon, their passion expanded into helping divorced and widowed women who needed financial support and resources to pursue educational programs or start small businesses. 

In 2007, Mrs. Shinde received an award from the Government of Maharashtra honoring her for her social service. That same year, 2 blind sisters from the local slum dwellings, joined V.E.F with a hope to acquire life skills that could improve their functionality. That was a turning point in V.E.F’s mission. With help from their daughters, the Shindes collected more funds and resources and set a new goal to include blind children in their program. 

Founders of the VEF Trust

The Shinde Family


Mr. Vivek Shinde, Mrs. Prabha Shinde and Capt. Deepti Shinde Wagh

Capt. Deepti Shinde Wagh